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10 songs to get you into metal

This is not a list for people who are already fans of metal, it's not a list of the best metal songs or the easiest metal songs to listen to, not even all the songs on the list are metal and the ones that are aren't deep cuts or lesser known songs. It's a list designed to introduce different aspects of metal in order to show that it isn't just screaming and deafening guitars. If you're not a metal fan but would like to get into it, it's a good idea to listen to this in order as it gets progressively more metal-based.

1. Big Thief - Not
In no ways is this a metal song, but it's got the length, intensity and elements of metal instrumentation. Metal is less about the lyrics and vocals but more about using the voice as another part of the music because the instrumentation is often more important, and this song demonstrates how important instrumentation can be to a song.

2. Architects - An Open Letter To Myself
A fairly generic acoustic rock song that features metal-like screams even though the song as a whole is closer to emo the screams and other elements of metal such as prominent drums, blast beats and distorted electric guitars make it as easy song to get into metal simply because of how it blends more familiar rock with metal. This was one of the first songs I listened to when I began to get into metal, when I still thought most of it was pure noise.

3. Bring Me The Horizon - Drown
Most metal fans would completely disregard this (and most BMTH post-Sempiternal) as pop-rock, which it admittedly kind of is, but it's a good step towards metal simply because it features a very basic metal instrumental setup, electric and bass guitars, a steady drum beat with fills and occasional blast beats and big soaring choruses common from the more commercial side of metal. It's a great rock song that works as a way to get you into the powerful choruses common of metal

4. Beartooth - In Between
Getting a bit heavier with this song, although there's still enough 'clean' vocals (non screams or growls) to not be too jarring. This is the first song with a fully metal sound, even if the choruses sound a lot closer to rock it still has the intensity of metal and bridges the gap well.

5. Foo Fighters - The Colour And The Shape
The extremes of Hard Rock and what some would definitely call metal as Dave Grohl shows off the fact that he can do a pretty good scream all over the top of a fairly heavy and clustered metal that gets more and more distorted throughout the song. The only thing that makes this easier for non-metal fans is the fact that it's not completely full-on the entire time making it a good way in.

6. Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name Of
The first full metal song of the list is a classic of the genre and is actually a lot easier on the ears than some of the previous songs but it has a massive amount of power behind it and the catchy "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me". It's not the heaviest metal song of all time but it's definitely one of the angriest.

7. Rammestein - Du Hast
Now really just getting into the metal songs that show off different parts of metal more, Du Hast is basically proof that in metal it doesn't matter so much what the lyrics are saying it's more about how good they sound. This track also brings in some electro elements that are fairly common in industrial and more experimental metal.

8. System Of A Down - Toxicity
Again just a really good metal song that follows a fairly traditional song structure simply because it has an easily identifiable chorus and is one of the easier metal songs to sing along to simply because the majority of the vocals are clean. It's still a metal song though so it's not exactly the lightest of listening and is once again quite an angry song.

9. Architects - Doomsday
One of my personal favourite metal songs and one that I actually think is kind of beautiful in terms of metal, especially when you know that it was written by the lead singer's brother just before he died. It's loud, aggressive and angry like most metal songs but it's a bit less pointlessly loud, aggressive and angry than a lot of metal songs.

10. Slipknot - Duality
An iconic song of the genre and probably one of the most well-known one simply for the lyric "I push my fingers into my eyes", it's an incredibly anthemic song that's heavy and full of everything great about metal without simply being 'noise'

If you decide you like metal (this might take some time) here are some good albums to start on.
Introductory metal albums:
Bring Me The Horizon - That's The Spirit
Good blend of metal, rock and pop sensibilities that make it a good first 'metal' album to get into the genre

Architects - Daybreaker
A properly full on metalcore album but it's a little lighter than some, especially in the second half where some more atmospheric elements are explored and even the heavier songs on the first half of the album are fairly melodic and not too brutal.

Slipknot - We Are Not Your Kind
Slipknot aren't exactly a soft band, but We Are Not Your Kind is probably their least chaotic and  continuously brutal records with some more experimental feature such as a choir and some more atmospherics. Having said that, it's still Slipknot so it's full on.

Asking Alexandria - The Black
Another great metalcore album that yet again brings the brilliant ferocity of metal and adding some intelligence, sampling, slower elements and melodic song structures that make it a bit of an easier and honestly more interesting listen.

A Day To Remember - Homesick
An odd blend of Pop-punk and metalcore that's a good way to get those who are fans of bands like Blink-182, Green Day and Fall Out Boy into metal.

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